Learn a language through conversations

Talk about anything with your AI Buddy!

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How it works

Learn by speaking with your AI Buddy


Have authentic conversations

Speak out loud or chat with the Buddy, an AI designed to talk with beginners, using words you're interested in learning.

Get suggestions in context, translate from English, or speak directly in the new language. This can be intimidating, so the Buddy will help you with pronunciation!


Practice new sentences

Get ready for the Buddy by learning and saying new sentences.

We'll help you put the sentence together and test your pronunciation - word by word. Keep practicing till you get it right!


Save what you learn

Save sentences to a personal phrasebook for travel or for visiting that favorite restaurant. You can add messages from your chats with the Buddy too.

The Buddy will learn from your phrasebook and talk about what you're actually interested in.


Learn up to 10 languages

Switch easily between different languages. We'll keep track of your progress across different languages.

You can learn English, Spanish, German, Korean, Italian, French, Bulgarian, Japanese, Chinese, and Portuguese. Happy learning!


vocab words to start with



learning theory

Personalized language learning

Learn by talking about what you want. Skip the content that's not useful for you. Focus on expressing yourself, not on rote vocabulary memorization.

backed by research

Remember what you learn

Research shows that building sentences and actually using them in conversation improves retention when compared to just following content. You learn words in a context relevant to you, and fully understand what you are saying.

"Talking to someone is the best way to practice!"

Lucas -

Say user

"This is cool because I have ownership over what I learn."

Konrad -

Say user

"This is literally how I teach languages."


Language teacher

Now available on iOS and Android

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